Fox has been granted several awards for the successful automation of serial vehicles.
MANUTENTION: Trophées de la Biennale Européenne de la Logistique 2003
In Paris FOX was granted the "Trophées de la Biennale Européenne de la Logistique 2003 " for the worldwide first project of automated driving serial vehicles by an international panel of experts from the technical press. Conditions and award criteria were: Degree of innovation of the project, flexibility, safety, environmental compatibility and cost reduction.
VDI Innovation Award Logistics 2002
Award of VDI (Association of German Engineers – largest engineering association in Western Europe). For the worldwide first project of automated guided Serial Vehicles Mr Götting accepted the Innovation Award Logistics on behalf of Götting KG / Fox in spring 2002.
EUROCARGO: European Transport Prize 2002
In 2002 an international panel of experts granted the European Transport Prize to FOX in Düsseldorf.